Women Department





            In 1979 the Women Department was established and it was first known as PHAIRAM DISTRICT WOMEN SOCIETY. In 1982 at the Women Conference the name has been changed into the Women Missionary Society, because the conference has decided to give its main attention to Missionary work in addition to the different activities.

The Women Missionary Society is working across the North Eastern states of India and Myanmar, focusing its interventions in Manipur, Assam, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya and Myanmar bordering India. The integral missions of WMS consist of supporting missionaries, spiritual nurturing, organizing training /workshops and conferences and progressing women for a better Christian. In the next five years, WMS envisage working towards empowerment of women under the banner of “Transforming women for advancing the Christian ministry” through workshops, seminars, audio visual music and lectures, reading and study materials, trainings, (tailoring and embroidery), conferences, capacity building programmes for leaders which all will finally contribute to the advancement of the Gospel

The Women Missionary Society (WMS) was formed by the Reformed Presbyterian Church North East India under the Department of Mission and Evangelism in August 1982 to contribute in achieving the mission of the mother church in reaching out the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and also contributing in various ways for the edification and strengthening of the church organization.WMS Support Missionaries ,Evangelist and Pastors, raised funds, conduct Women programme such as Bible studies, Seminar/Workshop, Conferences and purchased assets for the church.

During the past 28 years WMS experienced an enormous growth in terms of numbers and her involment in Gospel ministry. Now WMS is not only supporting missionaries but also works in developing the capacities of her member as it fore see sustainability of her missions will be possible only if the members are stable. Majority of WMS members comes from a very low income family background. This programme will address both the issue of poverty and capacity building need of the WMS in general through empowerment activities for their effective involvement in the advancement in the Gospel ministry. The underprivileged groups will be provided training on tailoring and embroidery, referral is also made to other skill development programme of RPC.Attention is given to leadership building ,women participation in Christian ministry  with clear roles and responsibility, sensitization and motivational workshops/seminars and conferences for mutual learning and encouragement.


  1. MISSIONARY SUPPORT: The main purpose of the Women Missionary Society into existence is to commit herself to the call and commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ to “Go and tell” the gospel to unreached world. The WMS departments send missionaries in the integral part of North East India States and support/contribute fund to its building works for a missionary quarter and church building for a new believers. Motivates the women group and raises fund from every member to take in them into this noble ministry.


  1. CONFERENCE—the first WMS conference was held on 28th -30 March, 1980 and passed a resolution to support one RPCNEI Mission worker. As the church/members grow, WMS Annual Conference could be held every year in different districts and mission fields to enrich the spiritual lives of its members. The conference conducted competition in memory verse, choirs, recitation. The worship service and sharing of God’s word was conducted by women. Offering was collected for missionary work and for the conference. Business SESSION was held and plans are made for the WMS. The plans and resolutions are executed by a committee known as WMS Standing committee. TARGETS are made for each Local/unit and were collected every month.


  1. INTER-CHURCH VISIT-One of the most important activities of WMS is conducting inter-church visit. Visiting one another, have fellowship, shared experiences and testimonies, and prayed for each other. In this way we are strengthened spiritually.


  1. CHARITY-Members of WMS felt that helping the needy is one of best way to show God’s love. WMS pay a visit to the hospital and the sick in the house to the sick members. Love not just in tongue or words the women department in encourage to give a relief fund according to their conditions in their respective local area.WMS also give a helping hand to the widows and orphans Consoled the bereaved family-by praying and giving a traditional shawl.


  1. DEBORA PRAYER TEAM—It is voluntary prayer group among WMS members. Since prayer is the channel of communication between God and believers, the WMS gives importance to prayer. This group was formed on 21st march 1995 at the WMS conference. The team meets, fast, and pray together once in every week in each local church/villages. As a district, the team comes together once in every month, they not only fast /pray together but bring apportion of a meal (rice) and sold for missionary fund.


  1. TAILORING TRAINING CENTRE-With the help and financial assistance of the Reformed Women Bible Study League and the Indian contact Group of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands. A Tailoring Centre was established in 2006 and since then eight (8) batches have completed their training.


  1. PIGGARY LOANS 2006-Piggary loans was given to WMS members to uplift their income towards their family and missionary support. This loan was done with the financial assistance of our sister church-Reformed Churches in Netherlands.


  1. CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOK-The Hmar Christian Churches jointly formed one common Musical   Society known as the Hmar Christian Musical Society. As this musical Society couldn’t publish a hymn book which all the churches badly needed due to lack of finance. When the problem was brought to the DVN, The DVN with the Indian contact Group assists us financially to published 3000 copies. The profit so received entered in missionary support fund.


  1. WMS HOUSE CONSTRUCTED_In order to have a regular source of income, the WMS constructed a two storey building and rent it for Rs.1700/ per month (downstairs) and Rs.1500/ per month (upstairs).The fund is used for missionary support.


  1. VISIT MISSION FIELD_WMS used to visits the mission field occasionally; gifts were given to the church members and missionaries.


  1. SERVICE-Every week on Friday night/Sunday noon, service was conducted in the name of WMS in each churches/villages. This service not only enriched the spiritual lives of its members but help the members to take part/participate in the worship, and growing Bible knowledge.    



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