Youth Department


1. To spread the Gospel and bring people to Christ.

2. To strengthen the Church through words, music and in deeds.

3. To make use of young people for the church and pave the way for their ministry involvement.

4. To support missionaries within and outside India

5. To help the needy through words and deeds.

6. To promote fellowship among YOUTHS by stirring up the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

7. To involve in out-reach ministry within and outside.

8. To transforming community through Social Gospel.

9. Building Internal & External linkage among youth groups



The Youth department at the Central level was formed during The 11th PRESBYTERY OF RPCNEI at Parbung village, by 29 delegates in the year of 1989.The chief reason for formation of Central KTP is to bring all standing Presbyteries Youth department together as one body to build the Church of Christ under one administrative unit under the Executive Committee. There is a KTP Committee who is responsible for the growth and development of the youth of the church. Members of the committee are elected by the Annual Conference of the Youth for a term of 3 years. This committee prepared strategic plan of action and raises funds for Missionary support and to support itself. It conducts music trainings, seminars and organizing sports, gospel camps etc. This department works in co-operation with the Evangelism department. Moreover, The Central KTP takes over all the responsibilities in looking after of all Presbyteries KTPs exclusively in relation to administration and plan of action (POA).



The Youth department has its own byelaw within the framework of RPCNEI Constitution, approved by the Executive Committee, RPCNEI vide Resolution 17, 2005 to abide by all the youth Departments under the Reformed Presbyterian Church NEI.

  • The Youth department exists under Evangelism department, RPCNEI.
  • The Youth department exists in 6 Presbyteries and in three mission fields. They are: Phairam Presbytery, Tlangram Presbytery, Cachar Presbytery, Haflong Presbytery, Vangai Presbytery. Dun Presbytery and Tripura Mission Field, Manipur Mission Field, and Karbi-Anglong Mission field.
  • Youth Standing Committee at the Presbytery level and Local Youth Committee at the Local level exist in every Presbytery.
  • Youth Standing Committee takes the responsibilities to oversee the youth department in their own respective Presbytery.
  • The Youth Standing Committee calls Presbytery Youth Conference annually.
  • Conference sets annual target for every unit (Local Church).
  • Conference sets Plan of Action, budget for a year. The Youth Standing Committee carries out all the responsibilities.


Directly above this Presbytery Youth Standing Committee, there exists Central Youth Department which is known as Central Kristien Thalai Pawl, (CKTP) RPCNEI.

  1. The CKTP is highest governing body of the Youth department. It takes over-all responsibilities in looking after the entire youth department in relation to administration and Plan of Action.
  2. The CKTP sets annual targets and activities for all Presbytery Youth Departments and supports them to carrying out the activities.
  3. The CKTP keeps the record of all the activities of Presbytery Youth Departments.
  4. The Central KTP calls General Conference after every two years.

The General Conference:

(i). sets Central Plan of Action, budget for a year of 3 Years Term

(ii). reviews all the activities of the Central and the Presbyteries.

(iii). Formed and Elect Youth leaders for Central Committee.  

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